In today’s context of widespread working from home, the threat of cybercrime is greater than ever. Cyber attackers have shifted their focus to vulnerable home networks in the hope of gaining access to corporate information. Although companies invest in advanced security systems, home network security is often not at the same level. This is mainly due to:
Lack of expertise: Many people do not have the technical skills to adequately secure their home network.
Quest for convenience: The temptation is to connect new devices as quickly as possible, without conducting thorough security checks.
Gelukkig zijn er een paar eenvoudige, maar doeltreffende stappen die je kunt nemen om je thuisnetwerk te beveiligen.
Change the name and password of your home network
When setting up your WiFi router, a default network name and password are usually used. This is unsafe and makes the work of cyber criminals easier. Using a wired connection, go to your router’s settings and change both the network name and password. Choose a unique name that does not reveal any personal information and a complex password that is not easy to guess.
Create a guest network
Most modern routers offer the option to create a guest network. This is a separate network that provides internet access, but not access to other devices on your network. This is particularly useful for less secure devices such as smart home applications or guest devices.
– Naming: Use a neutral name that cannot be directly linked to you or your main network.
– Password: Here too, a strong, unique password is essential.
Review the passwords of all connected devices
Many smart devices come with weak default passwords. This makes them an easy target for attackers. Take the time to choose a unique and strong password for each device. If you have many devices, a password manager can help keep everything organized and secure.
Taking the security of your home network lightly is a risk you don’t want to take. Cyber attackers are becoming increasingly sophisticated and are looking for every possible entry point, including your home network. Therefore, take your cybersecurity seriously and follow the steps above to secure your network.