📞 Direct Phone Support
Do you have an urgent question or technical problem that requires immediate attention? Our team of expert specialists is available to assist you by telephone during office hours.
📧 Email Support for Less Urgent Questions
For less urgent questions you can always send us an email at support@digitaalknooppunt.nl. When you send an email to our helpdesk, a ticket is automatically created within our ticket system based on the sender. We aim to get your ticket within 8 hours.
💻 Remote Support by Experienced Specialists
Our specialists are equipped with advanced software tools to assist you remotely. This allows us to provide fast and efficient solutions, without you having to worry about travel time or additional costs.
🔧 Remote Assistance Software
To take over your workplace remotely, the software tools below can be used. This always in consultation with one of our employees.
Contact details
Email: info@digitaalknooppunt.nl
Service desk
Phone: 088 – 34 44 822
E-mail: support@digitaalknooppunt.nl
Support tickets: support tickets